Health On Autopilot

Drop Excess Fat,
Look & Feel Young, without Diet plans

Learn The Principles To Stay Consistent On Your Weight Loss Journey In Less Than 80 MINS.

Obesity and health issues are on rise, be part of the movement to lose fat, get fit & stay healthy effortlessly! 

I've created a FREE video training & PDF Guide to eliminate pain, complications and efforts in weight loss.

Never worry about calories, carb, proteins or fats.
Stop surviving on shakes, seeds, salads or soups
Do not let the weighing scale decide your progress.
Lose ONLY excess fat, not your peace of mind.

Are you ready to Gain Health & Lose Weight Effortlessly?

Internet is flooded with weight loss tips, products, diets, supplements, apps and gym memberships to make the process of weight loss complicated, tiring and time consuming.

This 5-Part Lose Weight Effortlessly Video Training is to help you give a sustainable way of living which results in health gain and the weight loss will be a side effect.

Helping you let go of the weighing scale (in the first video itself) and creating a loving and peaceful relationship with food. (Freedom from calorie counting and dieting)

Making sure the entire act of exercise becomes fun, playful and not a goal or target to be achieved in a day to burn calories.

I'm Murtaza Shakir.

My mission is to help people stay healthy effortlessly, so their health does not become a hindrance in building a life and business they love.

I have overcome this hindrance myself, and I want other people to achieve the same.

The goal is to help you stay healthy - Until Your Last Breath.

The principles shared will not only help you stay healthy, but also lose weight effortlessly. My humble request for you is not to settle or lose hope because of information overload and extreme healthy living methods.

Put your Health On Autopilot, so you can build a life and business you always wanted to.

Learn the Time-Tested Principles to stay consistent on your Weight Loss Journey In less than 80 MINS.

Part #1 : Difference between Harmful v/s Healthy weight loss methods.
Learn the real measure of your health and get rid of the weighing scale. Why weight loss should not be the goal and what is sustainable and healthy way to lose weight permanently.

Part #2 :SLEEP: The foundation of sustainable fat loss.
How night sleep impacts fat loss. Direct relationship between poor sleep and unhealthy eating habits and craving. Ideal sleep routine for a sustainable and effortless weightloss.

Part #3A :What and When to eat for a sustainable weightloss?
Diet trends and plans not to follow. Four categories of food the body needs (without counting calories, carb, proteins, fats). Importance of when you eat and creating healthy eating habits for lifetime.

Part #3B : How to calculate right quantity of food to lose weight?
Who must you listen to decide how much to eat? How you direcly controls how much you eat. Learn the simple principle to let YOU decide how much you need to eat. (without calorie counting) 

Part #4 : How much weight to lose and right type of activity?
The difference between fat loss and fitness. Measure of fitness to help you decide how much weight your body need to lose. (and not as per BMI). Who really needs Gym? and right activity your body needs.

Part #5 : FIVE golden keys to permanent and sustainable fat loss.
Learn the untold secrets of weight loss (because they cannot be sold in pill, powder, supplement or an app). How stress impacts the process of weight loss and what are the strategies to counter it. 

YES! I want to Lose Weight Effortlessly Without Diets, gyms and calorie Counting.

without any diet plans or heavy workouts.

I had gained weight due to my poor lifestyle, work-life imbalance and unhealthy eating habits.

With the help of the coaching program, I was easily able to lose over 7 kgs and started to feel more energetic by making simple changes to my lifestyle and eating habits.

The best part is I was able to achieve this without any calorie counting, diet plans or heavy workouts.


Business Owner

lost 8 kgs without any dieting or going to gym.

Just by following your videos and posts on Instagram, I have lost 8 kgs without any dieting or going to gym.

It really helped me in my teaching profession.



it just not helped me burn fat, but also a lot of muscle pain got reduced

I was watching your videos, on how to lose weight... Your advice to adjust the sleep for losing weight is splendid, it's effective, the past month I could feel the changes.

The post, that says water can help burning fat, that was really helpful in the process, it just not helped me burn fat, but also a lot of muscle pain got reduced...

And I'll make sure to apply what I learned from your videos not in haste but mindfully.



Learn The Priciples To Lose Weight Effortlessly.

Download your copy of exclusive video training & PDF to permanent & sustainable fat loss. Click the button now.

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